HighestPriestess - Clairsentient and Location Selection in Haarlem

HighestPriestess - Clairsentient and Location Selection

HighestPriestess - Clairsentient, Location Selection, Career Divination in Haarlem. …access to divine secrets & revelations, unlocked mysteries and applied gnosis : i have been titled over the lifetimes as the Goddess of Protection, House of Vision & the Queen of Heaven. a primal Mother of Antiquity, i bridge high spirituality and occult science actionably, understandings uniquely tailored to your level of development & potential. ...tethered directly to Source, i facilitate physical & energetic {Etheric} healing, to champion your true authenticity & Self-Mastery. a guide to the Astral realms, Shamanism & sacred plant medicine : bringer of wHolistic solutions to Polarize & align yo it is important, as this Golden Era is brought down, here to the lowest density : to dig deeper than ever before, ask quality questions and face your demons with:in. to eradicate belief systems & false identities, assimilating every facet of your BE:ing i Practice for 15 years.

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